Famous Chinese Tea

Buying Longjing Tea(Dragon Well) : Grade Guide

Buying Longjing Tea(Dragon Well) : Grade Guide

Longjing tea(Dragon Well) is categorized into six grades based on the tenderness of the leaves and variations in appearance quality. These grades are: Premium Grade, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, and Grade 5. Among them, Premium Grade represents the highest overall quality, while Grade 5 is the lowest.

Different types of loose leaf teas, such as loose leaf green tea, loose leaf black tea, loose leaf oolong tea, and white tea, have varying requirements for the picking of buds and leaves due to differences in production methods. In general, for green tea, tender buds and leaves are preferred. As the representative of Chinese green tea, Longjing tea(Dragon Well) typically requires the picking of one bud one leaf to one bud three leaves. The younger and more tender the buds and leaves, the higher the grade of Longjing tea.

Apart from assessing the grade of Longjing tea(Dragon Well) based on the tenderness of the buds and leaves, you can also evaluate it based on the appearance of the dry leaves, the taste of the tea soup, and the aroma of the tea.



Premium Grade

Main Characteristics: Premium Grade Longjing tea(Dragon Well) consists of one bud one leaf. The length is relatively short, with the bud and leaf combined not exceeding 2.5 centimeters.

Appearance: When holding a small amount of Premium Grade Longjing tea(Dragon Well) in your hand, you will feel a smooth texture. Its quality characteristics include a flat and glossy appearance, with a firm and sharp shape, uniform and substantial size, neatness. 

Taste: Premium Grade Longjing tea(Dragon Well) has a long-lasting, fresh fragrance, a tender and vibrant yellowish-green color. The tea soup has a clear and bright greenish hue. The taste is mellow and refreshing.

Grade 1

Main Characteristics: Grade 1 Longjing tea(Dragon Well) consists mainly of one bud one leaf, and occasionally one bud two leaves, with less than 10% of one bud two leaves. The length is slightly longer than Premium Grade, at around 3 centimeters.
Appearance: Grade 1 Longjing tea(Dragon Well) has a flat, straight, and smooth appearance, with both ends of the tea leaves being relatively rounded and not as pointed as Premium Grade Longjing tea. The color is a bit deeper green compared to Premium Grade. 
Taste: The tea has a fresh fragrance, a crystal-clear tea liquid, a sweet and natural taste.

Grade 2

Main Characteristics: Grade 2 Longjing tea consists mainly of one bud one leaf to one bud two leaves, with less than 30% of one bud two leaves. The length is longer, around 3.5 centimeters, and the leaves are wider.
Appearance: The characteristics of Grade 2 Longjing tea include a flat appearance with bud tips, a reasonably uniform and clean look, a greenish hue with hints of emerald.
Taste: The tea soup is relatively deep green and slightly misty. The taste is mellow. The aroma is fresh but not very long-lasting. Overall, the quality differs significantly from Premium Grade.

Grade 3

Main Characteristics: Grade 3 Longjing tea(Dragon Well)  comprises one bud one leaf to one bud three leaves, with less than 30% of one bud three leaves. The length of the bud and leaves does not exceed 4 centimeters.
Appearance: The dry tea leaves appear flat and slightly narrow, with a somewhat wider profile. They are uniform and clean.
Taste: The tea has a green and vibrant color, a pure fragrance, a tea soup that is still slightly yellowish-green, a mellow taste, and tender brewed tea leaves.

Grade 4

Main Characteristics: Grade 4 Longjing tea(Dragon Well)  consists mainly of one bud one leaf to one bud three leaves, with less than 50% of one bud three leaves. The length of the bud and leaves does not exceed 4.5 centimeters.
Appearance: Tea leaves of this grade are quite similar to Grade 3 tea and share the same attributes, with a slightly flat, narrow appearance that is somewhat wider. The tea has a uniform and clean look, a green and vibrant color. 
Taste: The tea has a pure fragrance, a tea soup that is still slightly yellowish-green, a mellow taste, and tender brewed tea leaves. However, in general, Grade 4 Longjing tea is slightly inferior to Grade 3.

Grade 5

Main Characteristics: The fresh leaf quality of Grade 5 Longjing tea(Dragon Well)  is slightly inferior to Grade 4.
Appearance: The appearance is flat with some width, yet still uniform and clean. The color is slightly green with a hint of yellow. 
Taste: The aroma is moderate, the tea soup appears slightly hazy and yellowish-green, the taste is less mellow, and the brewed tea leaves are relatively uniform.


If you want to try high-quality Longjing tea(Dragon Well) , you can purchase iTeaworld's Green Tea Sampler, which includes Grade 1 Longjing tea, offering great value for the price. Additionally, iTeaworld's Green Tea Sampler offers 5 other classic Chinese green teas, all of which are Grade 1 or higher in quality, allowing you to explore the diverse flavors of premium Chinese green tea.

This article provides insights into how to differentiate the grades of Longjing tea. When selecting and purchasing Longjing tea(Dragon Well) , in addition to considering the grade, it is also important to pay attention to other factors such as the tea's origin, year of production, and production techniques. By evaluating all these aspects together, you can find the Longjing tea that suits your preferences.

You May Like: Everything You Need to Know About Longjing Tea

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